Property Information(MLS# 240159)

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Status: Active
18th Avenue, Spencer, IA 51301





Listed by : HINN REAL ESTATE, DOUG SMALL (712.336.1240)


Status: Active
2038 358th Street, Spencer, IA 51301





Listed by : EXP REALTY - SPIRIT LAKE, SETH HELLINGA (712.336.0336)
Built in 2022 Price Decreased


Status: Active
1518 4th Avenue, Spencer, IA 51301





Price Decreased


Status: Active
1315 17th Avenue, Spencer, IA 51301





Listed by : INTEGRITY REAL ESTATE, NICK STEFFES (712.337.6500)
Price Decreased

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Taco House

Taco House in Milford

A home town favorite! The Taco House is a hidden gem in the Great Lakes area. If your looking for delicious Mexican food give this a try. Taco House is not open during the winter months but you are able to put in a freezer order before they close to satisfy your craving on those cold days. Whatever you decide to order don't forget the Taco House hot sauce, you won't be disappointed.

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Smack Shack

Smack Shack in Okoboji

Get your taste buds ready for some smashing good sandwiches! The Smack Shack offers some amazing gourmet sandwiches. Every menu item is brilliantly created by chef Jeremy Neppl. I love the smack burger myself, as well as the spicy fried chicken thigh sandwich. I really don't think you can go wrong ordering here, they even have PB&J options for the kiddos. Make sure to stop by and try the Smack Shack located next to the Okoboji Commons.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Okoboji

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